November 27, 2017

Brazilian Santos [topic: beans]

Brazil is surely well known for its quality of coffee beans. It is a country with many producers who are prolific and dedicated for the bean. There might be problems there but their selection of coffee is vast.

From the wide range of coffee beans, Santos can be safely called a soft choice. This coffee is mostly common with people who enjoy milk and sugar with their cuppa because of the mild taste of coffee which blends well with other tastes. So much so, that coffee lovers who brew their espresso using this bean only, would normally be adventurous with some other tastes like cinnamon and chicory.

Some places have a coffee tradition which is not based on quality but more on the practical level of coffee. For example, mixing mild quality coffees such as the Santos bean with cinnamon and chicory and let coffee slowly simmer on fire so as to have coffee available all day long without experiences a bland taste of coffee.

A classic way of using beans such as Brazil Santos is in latte (macchiato) while a modern way of using these coffee beans is in iced coffee where the taste is refreshing, not too strong, ideal especially for the hot Summers we're having. Well, try it out ... you'll like it!

Stay tuned! In the mean time, keep spreading the love for the BEAN!

November 14, 2017

What to serve with coffee [topic: general]

It is by far a general custom in many cafes to serve some small a complimentary biscuit or chocolate treat with coffees and teas. However, in reality not everything makes sense with any beverage at any time. Even though many amateur café managers or owners would not mind to care to a true coffee service (sometimes not even Italian owners do care), it is our duty to pamper ourselves to the high way of having the golden treat of life, caffé.

This is how coffee is commonly served

So if you want to be served coffee in the TRUE way ... how should it be done? Well, the answer to that depends on what time you're having coffee. I normally make three differences in coffee: coffee as breakfast; coffee during the day; coffee as a wonderful closure to your day. I will here shortly describe each way ...


Coffee at breakfast is for me the starting of an engine. If I cannot have my coffee well, I prefer not having it at all. The best way to have it at breakfast, a coffee is to be accompanied by a glass of water and cornetto (plain, chocolate or cream).

cut the crap ... no instant coffee can make this happen


During the rest of the day, coffee can serve as an oasis, away from it all! There's nothing that can beat coffee for a 5-10 minute getaway. What I normally prefer is just coffee and water ... nothing else!

no strings attached, just THE coffee


Winding down is very important after a busy day. Some would say that coffee would prevent their sleep, yet it surely doesn't apply for me as I would sleep better after a good lungo. But what else would be my best deal for it? Besides the obvious glass of sparkling water, I add a small chocolate treat in order to wind down my senses in the best way possible!!

Wind down your senses to gear up your dreams!

Stay tuned! In the mean time, keep spreading the love for the BEAN!

November 13, 2017

Caffè Lungo [topic: review 13]

This time, my caffé was called for at Point de Vue in Rabat, Malta. I ordered a lungo and patiently waited for my well deserved treat. This place sells Illy, another common brand in Malta's cafes and restaurants.

divine hug, but not fully divine here

The waiting time was reasonable, yet the presentation was not as it should. My caffé seems to have been waiting to be delivered at least 2-3 minutes before it was actually served. The cream was almost disintegrated and the temperature was barely acceptable. These elements obviously impinge on the taste as well as the quality of the product I experienced.

Also, kindly note that it is very unprofessional to serve a plastic stirrer inside a cafe or restaurant. It is surely below your supposed-to-be standards to serve coffee as if it were a product to be taken for granted. May I also suggest that it is a standard to serve water with an espresso / lungo or americano. Your place has a great potential and would certainly augment your product if you serve your coffee as it should.

Stay tuned! In the mean time, keep spreading the love for the BEAN!

November 11, 2017

Caffè Lungo [topic: review 12]

This time, my review is taking us to Żurrieq, Wied iż-Żurrieq to be exact - at Step In. This place serves Piazza D'Oro, a coffee brand not quite common on the island. The impression I got of this brand is a very positive one, with a nutty flavour, clearly having a good blend of beans to support the taste as well as aftertaste.

well served golden tazzina

At Step In, I got this good quality coffee, at a good temperature as well as good creamy caffè. My only criticism is the lack of stability when serving the coffee (producing a storm in my tazzina) and also not serving a teaspoon with my coffee which is a MUST to give a stir before tasting.

Just like many places on the island, I suggest to augment the quality of service when someone orders an espresso; lungo or americano it is a MUST to serve a small glass of water. The reason for serving water can be found here:

Nevertheless, I complement this establishment for the brand as well as taste and temperature of the coffee served. Having so many clients is only another reason for you to augment the quality of your coffee service.

Stay tuned! In the mean time, keep spreading the love for the BEAN!

November 06, 2017

Best Coffee Temperature [topic: general]

Some might think that this topic is subjective to personal tastes. Yet, this is not the case ... obviously I'm not going to tackle instant coffee but the TRUE COFFEE ... brewed coffee.

When using the macchinetta - set the burner on the lower possible option as the pressure needs to build up inside and not temperature. Coffee needs to go up and down through the granules for quite some time before adding enough pressure to go up for you to enjoy the heavenly drink.

When using an espresso machine - allow the temperature and pressure to rise enough before pressing the button. A good machine will serve at optimum temperature (by means of thermostats) if the correct amount of coffee granules is used.

When using a French Press - it is recommended to NEVER USE boiling water. The best temperature is 93 degrees Celsius (200 degrees Fahrenheit) not only for the best taste but also for the health benefits in coffee to be preserved in the best way. If your water comes to a boiling point, allow it around 1-2 minutes before pouring water onto the granules. Allow the coffee to brew well in the hot water before filtering.

Stay tuned! In the mean time, keep spreading the love for the BEAN!

Caffè Lungo [topic: review 11]

A new review post, yet with a negative not on my part. This time, my supposed-to-be caffé lungo was ordered at Hard Rock Cafe at Valletta Waterfront.

Firstly, allow me to point out that the time taken for my caffé to be delivered at table was more than it takes to pick up coffee beans in a remote village somewhere in a cuckoo-land! It was a ridiculous surprise to get this low quality supposed-to-be espresso lungo.

simply a NO, NO!

This place serves Lavazza but I'm not sure the brand knows about the lack of quality served here (at least at my table). Apart from serving my coffee piping hot (which is surely a no go for coffee), the espresso was by no means presentable, creamy not delicious. I couldn't actually drink my coffee because of the temperature yet by the looks of it, the coffee was either not fresh or else something was totally wrong in the process.

One surely cannot accept or excuse this quality from a place that includes CAFE in its name. No water is served. No quality is redeemed. No coffee is made. What a let down guys!

Stay tuned! In the mean time, keep spreading the love for the BEAN!