November 13, 2017

Caffè Lungo [topic: review 13]

This time, my caffé was called for at Point de Vue in Rabat, Malta. I ordered a lungo and patiently waited for my well deserved treat. This place sells Illy, another common brand in Malta's cafes and restaurants.

divine hug, but not fully divine here

The waiting time was reasonable, yet the presentation was not as it should. My caffé seems to have been waiting to be delivered at least 2-3 minutes before it was actually served. The cream was almost disintegrated and the temperature was barely acceptable. These elements obviously impinge on the taste as well as the quality of the product I experienced.

Also, kindly note that it is very unprofessional to serve a plastic stirrer inside a cafe or restaurant. It is surely below your supposed-to-be standards to serve coffee as if it were a product to be taken for granted. May I also suggest that it is a standard to serve water with an espresso / lungo or americano. Your place has a great potential and would certainly augment your product if you serve your coffee as it should.

Stay tuned! In the mean time, keep spreading the love for the BEAN!

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