September 27, 2019

Milk Frothing - SOME TIPS [topic: general]

Oh well, this topic is quite a headache for many of us coffee lovers. When you grasp the whole idea of milk frothing, it would be nice to show others rather than what I heard many times, "It's so easy ...".

Tip #1 - Skimmed Milk does froth

Do not believe that low fat / skimmed milk does not froth. It's a complete myth and all milk can froth in a the nicest of ways. It may be faster and easier to froth fatty milk and the foam may last a bit longer as you pour. However do not fall for the idea of avoiding a nice flat white, cappuccino or latte simply because of FAT.

Tip #2 - Do not aim for high temperatures

True coffee (including milk) is not the one that takes ages to drink because it is piping hot ... on the contrary, coffee is a hit and run thing. Typically, the experts of caffè, the Italians take their espresso standing at a bar, a nice quick stir and off with their lives. Same applies for all other coffees. Nice warm temperature and off we go!

Also, milk frothing tends to burn the milk quality and not only froth is ruined but also the milky taste is altered and not enjoyable. Thus, froth not heat!

Tip #3 - THE jug

If you're into milk frothing, use an appropriate jug as not any jug will do. A milk frothing jug has a particular tip which will make all the difference when pouring.

Tip #4 - Milk turn and steam

The basic concept of frothing is to allow the milk to turn in the jug and allow air in it while warming it gently. This can be done by following some tips as follows:

1. Start with the tip just below the surface.

2. Adjust tip position to hear occasional rips of air into the milk.

3. For a latte get all of the air in by the time the outside of pitcher starts to warm.

4. For airier froth continue adding air.

5. When all air is in, find a tip position and angle which roll the milk and continue rolling to final temp.

6. Shutoff steam with the tip still in milk, wipe, and purge the steam wand.

7. Knock and swirl the pitcher, if needed, to get rid of large bubbles if needed.

Stay tuned! In the mean time, keep spreading the love for the BEAN!

September 25, 2019

Caffè Lungo [topic: review 18]

Today I am sharing my experience at a very particularly busy coffee place in Malta, Caffè Pascucci in Santa Venera. This place is always very busy and is also an Italian style place.

I obviously ordered my lungo (espresso) and this is what I experienced.

my lungo at Pascucci

To say the least, I was not that impressed with presentation, quite evident in my picture. However I have to congratulate this place for the temperature and consistency that my coffee was presented in. Though I got my coffee at a table, the time I took to go at table did not effect in any way my coffee experience. Nevertheless I was expecting something extra from an such a place ... water! It is not pleasant (to say the least) that water is not presented with coffee by default. It is not an add-on or an extra element. If one wants a client to experience coffee, it has to include all the elements guys!

Keep improving guys. Will visit again for sure.

Stay tuned! In the mean time, keep spreading the love for the BEAN!

September 24, 2019

Caffè Lungo [topic: review 17]

A good while ago I paid a visit at Pepe Nero at Valletta Waterfront. This place claims the use of Hausbrandt, a coffee brand from Trieste, Italy. This coffee brand is renowned in northern Italy and it was quite a pleasant surprise to find this brand at a local restaurant (including cups and sugar).

The cup I got at Pepe Nero

The espresso I got at my table was a pleasant one including perfect temperature and also a clean presentation. Considering that the coffee was taken following a meal, water was not served with it (and that is understandable).

The taste of this coffee brand is quite pleasant with a mid-level strength which blends perfectly well after a meal with all the tastes that one would have experienced already.

I have to congratulate Pepe Nero for this coffee experience. Keep it up!

Stay tuned! In the mean time, keep spreading the love for the BEAN!