October 07, 2017

Why and how do I drink water with coffee?

In several review posts I have written in the past weeks and months, I have stressed the importance to serve water with coffee in order to be of service to clients. This is not just a tradition but a necessary feature in drinking coffee. In this post I will be giving reasons for this MUST in the coffee service.

Quality of service is the secret in a proper caffé

One wouldn't dream of going into a bar for coffee and not being served with a glass of water (preferably sparkling). Drinking this water is to be done both before the coffee as well as after, for two different reasons.

Water BEFORE the coffee is done in order to clean and clear the palate from any tastes or excess of saliva, both of which alter the coffee experience. Water AFTER the coffee is to be consumed after a few minutes in order to re-hydrate the palate as well as clear the coffee aftertaste in order to continue with the day's activities without the tedious coffee aftertaste.

Apart from the coffee experience per se, the water re-hydration is also important health-wise due to a well known fact that coffee does in fact dehydrate the body, so it is also healthy to compensate with water the volume of coffee consumed.

So please, dear bar-owners, augment the coffee service by adding a small glass of water (preferably sparkling) not only bec

ause it's polite to do so, but also to show your clientele that you care for them and not only their money!

Stay tuned! In the mean time, keep spreading the love for the BEAN!

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