October 13, 2017

Caffè Lungo [topic: review 10]

'Un caffe ti ristora per la giornata' - 'With coffee you restore your energy for the day'

This may apply all the time except when coffee is served with inferior quality despite being a coffee shop serving a good number of coffees per day. That's when you would expect better all the way! This time I paid a visit to Molly's Cafe in Mosta. At this place they serve Saquella coffee which is very common on the island, yet acceptable quality.

I got this coffee to TRY and restore my day.

Firstly, I wouldn't consider the time taken to serve the coffee (only three tables were being served - with less than 10 metres of distance) to be relative to the quality of what I got. Apart from the presentation which is way too rough (clearly from the picture) the cream had already started to dissolve itself which most probably was left either standing or else did not have the right amount of coffee as well as pressure to brew. The temperature was OK, yet could have been better especially in our warm climate whereby coffee will not lose temperature so quickly indoors.

Serving sugar is only a matter of courtesy and not an issue for a cost-cutting exercise. Also, please note that being a CAFE, you are encouraged to serve coffee as it should -temperature; creamy; sugar; clean and including a glass of water PLEASE!

The place is very sweet and I suggest you upgrade your quality to make this experience even more pleasurable.

Stay tuned! In the mean time, keep spreading the love for the BEAN!

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