August 14, 2017

What to do with used coffee (1) [topic: general]

One wouldn't normally think of this as I am pretty sure, most coffee granules go to waste from the coffee machines straight to bins. Yet ... there is one more use that the beloved coffee can have and perhaps also do poetic justice with it as it goes back to where it belongs - nature.

It is proven that coffee can serve as a natural fertiliser for your garden. You can use it on its own or else even mix it with some other organic material such as egg shells and dried banana peels to produce your own compost. In order to do so, make sure you blend the items properly adding some water in the process.

you can keep the coffee in a jar and let it dry

I tend to prefer the simple way i.e. let the coffee dry up well before mixing with soil or compost. It is very effective and you can see the difference in the richness of your soil. It is surely better than wasting this natural richness by throwing it away ... don't waste your waste, recycle your coffee from your machine, dry it out in a jar (it should be fine after a few days) and mix it with your soil / compost. You'll see the difference in a few weeks.

Stay tuned! In the mean time, keep spreading the love for the BEAN!

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