March 21, 2017

McCafè [topic: general]

Just because I am in love with coffee, I always give it a try at different places. Besides many different views about McDonald's, I would like to focus on McCafè - a different concept which is not considered as 'fast-drink' product. Let me try and explain myself a little further.

There is a claim that McCafè brews its coffee from Arabica beans, and as they do pour their beans I always try have a look at, though not sure of this claim. However I would like to base my views based on the comparison of taste. I truly believe that McCafè does not use only Arabica and this is quite obvious because of the taste. There is a good selection of beans (though mainly Arabica) which blends well with a choice of dessert, which is not the case if it were to be only Arabica, considered as the best digestive coffee. Thus despite refusing to accept the claim of 100% Arabica, I do prefer the selection they offer.

Just right ...

Having a look at the selection of coffees - from classic to contemporary ideas - McCafè offers a classic preparation of coffee with the classic idea of barista and true coffee brewing. That is why McCafè is a different concept that McDonald's idea of food. The preparation is therefore dressed with a human vest just like any bar, aloof from the food complex.

What is surely NOT classic as it should, McCafè does not include water serving with the classic caffè it serves. This is not in line with the whole concept it presents at face value in grinding, brewing and serving. Though I'm discussing a world-wide-giant, I do suggest the introduction of the water option as McDonald's does not present its coffee concept as part of their gourmet experience but as a separate complex, thus a full experience would be the best option to offer for the benefit of the client.

Stay tuned! In the mean time, keep spreading the love for the BEAN!

March 11, 2017

Americano [topic: review 2]

Today I paid a visit at Caffè Royale - Qawra Palace Hotel, Qawra. I ordered an Americano double (i.e. a slightly larger version of Americano). Please note that this place proudly promotes the Lavazza brand with several options for coffee in its modern style of service. If you take a look at my previous posts, I'm not a huge fan of Lavazza, however I do expect good quality especially when huge companies promote their product using such an outlet. Well, besides that, the product that came to my table was definitely not up to standard.

The tide must have gone down and ruined my coffee

An Americano cannot be creamy (especially when I ordered a larger one), I'm aware of it. However, please note that it still demands quality in the finished product and presentation. The presented product was surely prepared by an amateur want-to-be barista. The reason behind my statement is that any coffee manual would describe an Americano as a long brew coffee with added hot water. A true barista would know however, that there is a technique in pouring the hot water in order to keep the texture for presentation and also avoid the coffee to swirl too much when transported onto a table, avoiding the coffee stain to appear as if the tide has gone down leaving a bad effect on the judgement at first impressions.

The biscuit offered is also an issue ... I'm sorry! It's not that I'm trying to be grumpy but you got it wrong guys! If you want to augment the quality, coffee is not served with a tealike-tasteless-wannabe-biscuit. Firstly I'd prefer water rather than that biscuit, however if you insist, please do invest in a better quality offer such as a chocolate (milk chocolate with Lavazza works wonders). The biscuit you offer goes well with tea and most probably appreciated by your British guests, yet you are promoting yourselves as a Lavazza hub PLEASE! Should you follow some coffee rules, you would most probably understand that a napkin is not necessary with coffee, absolutely useless. Coffee is NOT tea. Also, please note that despite not having ordered an espresso, it is always a nice gesture to offer water with coffee.

How I wish I could write a better review guys. I'm terribly sorry but there's plenty of room for improvement in serving coffee at Caffè Royale. May I please remind my distinguished readers that any comments here are exclusively referred to the quality and service of coffee.

Stay tuned! In the mean time, keep spreading the love for the BEAN!

March 03, 2017

Arabica [topic: beans]

Arabica beans very popular and well advertised by the large coffee brands. However, overrating this coffee bean is also a risk which I wouldn't recommend falling into if you truly love coffee. The reason why I am saying so is that Arabica coffee is in itself mildly bitter with a pleasant presence of acidity. If properly prepared, Arabica would have a nice caramel aftertaste. If once notices well these features, you would notice that it blends very well as a digestive - a kind of refresh button for your metabolism. Thus I find this kind of coffee, an excellent choice as a 1st morning espresso or as a digestive after lunch or dinner.

Arabic coffee plant

Despite its qualities, in my opinion Arabica coffee is not suitable is you're having a mid-morning coffee break or if you're enjoying qualitative time with your beloved caffè lungo in the afternoon hours. The reason is very simple ... your focus is on the coffee, so you definitely would prefer something better in taste and especially in the aftertaste. The Arabica aftertaste when not blended with other rich coffee blends is more of a gastronomical full-stop i.e. no more food, let's move on. That is why after a digestive espresso it is nice to have a nice liquor in order to put your taste buds back in place.

Yet when coffee is taken not in connection with food as such, there is surely space for a better after taste which opens your appetite for your lunch or dinner in the next hour or so. Surely I would recommend Arabica for a milk-mixed-coffee such as cappuccino or latte macchiato - not espresso macchiato though because of the high coffee content which would result in the same situation as with the espresso.

Well this might be the subject of a good discussion at table if you're having dinner with your family or friends who love their caffè. Stay tuned! In the mean time, keep spreading the love for the BEAN!