July 26, 2017

Caffè Lungo [topic: review 4]

My apologies for not posting in the past few weeks. For this review post I went for a dinner at a relaxing bay in Gozo (the sister island of Malta) where dining al fresco could not have ended any better than ... CAFFÈ LUNGO! The place is Moby Dick @ Xlendi.

A creamy lungo

Despite the fact that the restaurant was reaching closing time, this coffee was delivered in less than 3 minutes. One must admit that the trajectory from the bar to our table included a couple of steps so I have to excuse the lack of presentation (even though not fully excusable). In spite of the storm that hit my lungo, the texture was still there. One slight stir and it was all restored.

This place uses Kiimbo as seen in the picture I am presenting. One must say that Kimbo is not one of the most popular coffees in the Maltese islands. I was curious in fact to check it out. I have to say I was not much impressed, perhaps my expectations were too high. However it was all pleasurable. My usual comment however has to be made ... garçon .... WATER PLEASE! How on earth can one present coffee on a practically empty table without providing your customer with a sip of water to clear the taste buds before and after a divine experience?

Whilst giving my kudos for the temperature it was served in, this espresso was overall well done. Keep improving quality in Gozo guys!

Stay tuned! In the mean time, keep spreading the love for the BEAN!

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