April 19, 2017

Caffè Lungo [topic: review 3]

It was high time for another coffee and another review as I went in to a famous establishment in Malta, Busy Bee in Msida. By all means, one would enter into a coffee shop with a wishful list of thoughts, yet my first and most essential thought is COFFEE in a coffee shop.

I ordered a lungo with a sincere hope to calm down after a busy day, longing for good taste and quality coffee service. I would like to reiterate what I said in my first review ... this is by no means a judgement on the establishment's quality or service, but on the quality of coffee at a particular point in time.

The espresso I was served with was not at all up to scratch for what one would expect. Firstly, the tazzina was too full for an espresso lungo - thus meaning that the taste will surely not be optimal either. Also, due to the lost cream (because of excessive erogation), the server's movement caused the presentation to be ruined.

truly ... a pity!

This establishment serves Saquella, a very common brand name in Maltese coffee shops. On the whole - though not my favourite - this coffee brand serves good coffee when properly brewed. Yet I'm sorry to say that at Busy Bee this time round was not well prepared and definitely not well served.

PLEASE guys, do take care of the treasure you have in your hands. Good coffee is an experience and I (and most probably every coffee lover) surely don't like it when I'm denied this experience because some lack of experience or careless preparation.

Finally, allow me to suggest a very common suggestion applicable to most of Malta's coffee shops ... serving water when such a coffee is served. Thank you.

Stay tuned! In the mean time, keep spreading the love for the BEAN!

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