February 21, 2018

Caffè Lungo [topic: review 14]

Hi folks. It's been a while, yet in the mean time some coffee beans have come our way to try them out at home as well as in different coffee places around. It's time for another coffee review.

This time, I visited a Sicilian restaurant in Rabat, Malta. I ordered my caffĂ© lungo with the hope of a good ending to my meal. What else would you expect in an Italian restaurant? I ordered in a group and thus the waiting time was expected to be longer than usual, yet I have to say it was a bit too much for just 4 coffees and 3 teas. Nevertheless, my golden syrup arrived at my table ...

worth the wait

The first impression was not what I hoped for. Though the tazzina was clean in itself, the coffee presentation was not clean at all. It was as if a storm had hit the coffee on its way to my table. However, the cream was still there and the temperature too. At least that was definitely a plus, from machine to table in a quick pace (the delay must have been before that).

On the whole, the taste was exquisite and well composed with not too much coffee nor too much water despite being a lungo. What I would recommend is a good glass of water especially after a meal so as to clean the palate before enjoying the well-deserved coffee.

Good one you guys at Adelina, your coffee is worth visiting - yet please do work on it to be a better experience for the customer. Keep moving forward.

Thanks for visiting.

Stay tuned! In the mean time, keep spreading the love for the bean.