May 23, 2017

Coffee vs The Heart [topic: general]

I have been reading and researching for a long time about the link between coffee and its affect on our health, especially THE HEART. Seriously, coffee seems to be quite beneficial, yet there is a fine line we ought to beware of so as to avoid any unwanted circumstances simply for enjoying our favourite drink (especially if overdone).

A very high %age of adults consume coffee everyday. A good %age of coffee consumers do so more than once or twice a day. While some of it might be beneficial, the effects of more than one/two coffees per day seems to be alarming. Blood pressure increases with every coffee consumed and also this high blood level is directly linked to heart disease. Thus if anyone is on the pre-hypertension line, or even taking hypertension medication, it is better to limit the coffee intake to ONE or maximum TWO coffees per day.

Image result for coffee drink breakfast

Lately, a news item set me thinking. A teenager took a caffeine overdose (not all the intake was in fact coffee) and his heart literally stopped functioning. Well this may an isolated case, yet still indicative of the effect that coffee and caffeine related products have on our health.

Some researchers claim that regular coffee drinkers develop a kind of natural resistance, a tolerance to the temporary blood pressure spike caused by the coffee intake. Results may be conflicting, yet moderation is the best solution to practically everything. The median line is the best way so as to include other things in our daily diets. Coffee is surely a stimulant as it contains caffeine. We are all so different and our bodies are so complex that it is always beneficial to not abuse of any substance, not even caffeine even though it might be very legal and very conventional.

An interesting fact is that decaffeinated coffee has a higher risk on the heart for the simple reason that the bean from which this coffee is extracted is higher in fat content and thus might cause other problems despite being promoted as a better option.

On the other hand, coffee has been found to be beneficial in may other ways such as being a preventive of some types of cancer (liver; throat etc) as well as other health benefits. Some might disagree with such studies, yet the natural elements found in coffee are surely not dangerous when consumed moderately.

Image result for coffee drink breakfast

You think I'm exaggerating the idea? Well, here are just three news links describing the story I mentioned earlier:

Stay tuned! In the mean time, keep spreading the love for the BEAN (but pay attention not to overdo it)!