February 28, 2017

Dark Roast (2) [topic: beans]

In continuation to what I wrote about the dark roast, I would like to give out additional information, starting from a personal suggestion. Due to the fact that the dark roast is sharper in taste, I suggest something - which I do with all beans - in order to balance and give a smoother taste. Basically, for every 200gr of  dark roast coffee beans of any type, I add 50gr of Arabica.

Do not get too excited at adverts or anyone who suggests 100% Arabica. This coffee is very rich on the bitter side of taste, yet not fragrant enough and would not really go down well with taste buds apart from the morning's first espresso or as a digestive.

Dark roast's final result

With the slight Arabica blend, the dark roast mixture is more acceptable, especially as a digestive coffee. I consider the dark roast as a good option especially in wintry low gastronomical seasons such as the months between Christmas and Easter or the weeks before Christmas. These are the times where traditions take a break with regards to sweets and heavy meals, thus coffee can afford to be slightly sharper in character.

For those who, like me, enjoy a small piece of chocolate with their espresso, I suggest Milk Chocolate in order to balance the sharp taste. Enjoy!

Stay tuned! In the mean time, keep spreading the love for the BEAN!